A STAR Equal Access Activist discusses access to university for refugees and people seeking asylum
If you are seeking asylum or from a refugee background and hoping to attend university for the 2023/4 academic year, you may have already submitted your university application but not yet found the financial support you need. Although you many scholarships have closed or are closing soon, there is still financial support available. We’ve pulled together some information that you may find useful.  

Have a browse through the STAR Scholarships list and the Displaced Student Opportunities UK portal for available financial support and the deadlines by which you will need to apply. 

Before you apply for these opportunities, take a look at the STAR guidance on Applying for Scholarships so you feel best prepared when putting together your application. 

You can also watch our webinars on how to apply for scholarships and how to apply to university for a full run through of what you need to know!

Both university and scholarships are competitive, if you have not been successful this year, please do not feel disheartened. We always encourage applicants to try again next year, so do this if you are able to. In the meantime, there are a few things we would recommend doing:

  1. Ask the university for feedback
  2. Find pre-university courses and online courses on our website and the Displaced Student Opportunities UK website.
  3. Contact Refugee Education UK, who may be able to help you if you have queries related to college or further education. 
If you need more support…

Need information about student loans? 
Watch our latest webinar for a run down. 

Not eligible for scholarships offered by universities or are in need of additional support?
See our list of other scholarships and grants you may be able to apply for. 

Want to connect with other applicants and students who are from a refugee background or seeking asylum?
Join the Equal Access Network.

Need IELTS or an English Language certificate for your course?
RefuAid may be able to help you! Find other opportunities on the Displaced Students Opportunities UK website. 

Need support for applying for an undergraduate course?
UCAS offered a variety of guidance on making your application from how to apply on UCAS, advice on writing your personal statement, advice for people seeking asylum and refugees, and advice on choosing a reference.

Asked the university a question that they cannot answer?
Contact Refugee Education UK using the contact form on the Displaced Student Opportunities UK site. 

To stay up to date on scholarships and HE opportunities…
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